With Many Case Histories
af Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D.,N.D.
på engelsk (Dansk titel: Kuren mod alle sygdomme) |
Forlaget skriver:
A New Diagnostic Device...
With an audio oscillator circuit and a trained ear, you can detect
parasites and pollutants in a way that no one has done before -
Leads To New Discoveries...
In every case of the "mysterious" disease diabetes, you find the
not-so-mysterious parasite Eurytrema, and the fairly common pollutant wood
alcohol. Every case! And never in healthy people! Similar in cancer, HIV,
Alzheimer's, endometriosis, to name a few, you can find specific parasites
and/or pollutants at work.
And New Cures...
You don't need dangerous, expensive prescription drugs to get rid of the
causes of your illness. Once you know what you are fighting you can pick
herbal, electronic, or avoidance methods. Except for the cost of dental
work, you can get well for under $ 100!
And New Hope...
Follow the advice in this book preventively, and never worry about your
health again! Get you whole family well and keep them well. Start today!
Took An Independent Research Scientist
to find the answers.
Hulda Regehr Clark
began her
studies in biology at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, where
she was awarded the Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude, and the Master
of Arts, with High Honors. After two years of study at McGill
University, she attended the University of Minesota, studying
biophysics and cell physiology. She received her Doctorate degree in
physiology in 1958. In 1979 she left government founded research and
began private consulting on a full time basis. Six years later she
discovered an electronic technique for scanning the human body. Today
she puts her methods, results and conclusions before you. Read and
recover. |
Andre bøger af
Dr. Clark:
The Cure For All Cancers (engelsk)
Heilverfahren Aller Krebsarten (tysk oversættelse af The Cure For All
Heilung ist möglich (tysk oversættelse af The Cure For All Diseases)
The Cure For HIV and AIDS (engelsk)
The Cure For All Advanced Cancers (engelsk)
New Century Press
(Chula Vista, CA)
ISBN 1-890035-01-7
604 sider.
Vejl. pris: 21,95 USD.
Bogen kan skaffes af boghandleren.
Læs også
Kuren mod alle sygdomme
Parasitter og forurening - og hvordan vi rent faktisk bliver syge
> Bøger > The Cure For All Diseases
27-12-2021 |